Penelitian Deskriptif : Studi Kasus Kepuasan Pelanggan Restauran

Artikel ini adalah lanjutan dari Proses mengerti Studi Kasus. Silahkan baca artikel sebelumnya. Kali ini kita akan bahas menggunakan studi kasus. Dari masalah, input, proses, hingga output yang bisa dihasilkan. Masalah Penelitian:Sebuah restoran ingin mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan dan menu yang mereka tawarkan. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi area yang memerlukan peningkatan dan… Continue reading Penelitian Deskriptif : Studi Kasus Kepuasan Pelanggan Restauran

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Penelitian Deskriptif : Pengenalan Untuk Pemula

Dalam labirin kompleksitas dunia ilmiah, Penelitian Deskriptif menawarkan sebuah lentera yang menerangi karakteristik intrinsik dari fenomena atau populasi yang kita amati. Metode ini, yang mengutamakan pengamatan dan dokumentasi atas interpretasi atau spekulasi, memungkinkan peneliti untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang akurat dan terperinci tentang objek studi mereka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara mendalam apa itu Penelitian… Continue reading Penelitian Deskriptif : Pengenalan Untuk Pemula

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Choosing the Right Azure Service for Your .NET Project: A Simple Guide

Hey everyone! In this article, I’m diving into a topic that’s pretty close to my heart (read, Project). Imagine you’ve got a .NET project that’s running perfectly on your local machine. This isn’t just any project; it’s one that handles data moving from one database to another – kind of like a mini ETL (Extract,… Continue reading Choosing the Right Azure Service for Your .NET Project: A Simple Guide

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Exploring Different Types of Plot Structures in Presenting Ideas

Presenting ideas is an art form that captivates and engages audiences through compelling narratives. The structure of a plot plays a vital role in shaping the presentation and evoking emotions in the audience. In this article, we will explore four different types of plot structures: Narrative, Process, Actor (Entity), and Priority (Emotions). By understanding the… Continue reading Exploring Different Types of Plot Structures in Presenting Ideas

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Cost of a Month of WordPress In Azure Services

In this article we will compare the cost of using Azure Services to Deploy a WordPress Blog. Imagine we are a newbie writer who has dreams to be a well known tech blogger. We are tempted to use Azure because our friend suggested this, and of course, it is Microsoft, a standard for professionals. Though… Continue reading Cost of a Month of WordPress In Azure Services

Hello There!

So you stumbled here. Found this super simple website with default WordPress 2021 template. You must have known me. Maybe you seen me in work, maybe you know me in real life or maybe you know me from a referral. Whatever that is, let me introduce myself. I am Danny, hence the site name. I… Continue reading Hello There!

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